Envelope Filter: add hint in manual for reversed operation
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12 <h1>Envelope Filter</h1>
13 <a href="images/Calf - Envelope Filter.jpg" title="Calf - Envelope Filter" class="prettyPhoto"><img class="thumbnail" src="images/Calf - Envelope Filter.jpg" /></a>
14 <h2>Functionality</h2>
15 <p>
16 Envelope Filter is a <a href="Filter.html" title="Calf Filter">Filter</a> whose frequency is set
17 according to the envelope of the input or sidechain signal. It is also known as "Auto Wah" effect.
18 The behavior of the envelope can be altered by Attack, Release and Response settings.
19 </p>
20 <h2>Tips</h2>
21 <p>
22 Imagine you already have adjusted the Activation knob and
23 the filter is wobbling nicely between Lower and Upper frequency but
24 you would still like to alter the amount of time it remains in the
25 upper or lower frequency range
26 use the Response setting to alter the dynamics of your signal:
27 <ul><li>
28 If the filter opens less than expected raise the Response value</li>
29 <li>
30 If the filter is open most of the time reduce the Response value</li>
31 </ul>
32 </p>
33 <p>
34 If you want Envelope Filter to operate <b>reversed</b> just switch upper and lower handles
35 in the frequency response graph.
36 </p>
37 <h2>Controls</h2>
38 <ul>
39 <li><strong>Input Gain:</strong> Control the input level before the signal is processed</li>
40 <li><strong>Input Level:</strong> The level after the input knob</li>
41 <li><strong>Clip:</strong> Flashes if input level rises above 0dB</li>
42 <li><strong>Bypass:</strong> Don't process anything, just bypass the signal</li>
43 <li><strong>Sidechain:</strong> Use the sidechain instead of the original signal input to determine the envelope</li>
44 <li><strong>Output:</strong> Control the output of the plugin - clipping could destroy your signal</li>
45 <li><strong>Output Level:</strong> The level after processing and after the output knob</li>
46 <li><strong>Clip:</strong> Flashes, if the signal rises about 0dB in the output stage</li>
47 <li><strong>Mix:</strong> Determine the amount of the filtered signal in the output.</li>
48 <li><strong>Output Gain:</strong> The level at the output of the processor</li>
49 <li><strong>Activation:</strong> Alter the gain of the input or sidechain signal before the envelope is calculated</li>
50 <li><strong>Attack:</strong> The amount of time the envelope needs to follow the attack phase of the signal</li>
51 <li><strong>Release:</strong> Amount of time the envelope needs to fall back to its minimum</li>
52 <li><strong>Response:</strong> Alter the dynamics of the input signal. Use negative values to enhance (like gating would do) or positive values to reduce (like a compressor would do) the dynamics of the signal.</li>
53 <li><strong>Resonance:</strong> Add an accentuation to the center frequency. Used on a bandpass the surrounding frequencies are decreased in level and the band gets more narrow, a bandreject is narrowed down to a thin needle</li>
54 <li><strong>Mode:</strong> Choose the type of the filter</li>
55 <li><strong>Lower:</strong> The lowest frequency of the filter</li>
56 <li><strong>Upper:</strong> The highest frequency the filter could be set to</li>
57 </ul>
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